Data analysis, Field work

275 Samples and 276 Mosquito Bites

--by Thanuja Thavarasa Living organisms need a variety of nutrients in order to grow. For plants, nitrogen is an essential nutrient. Nitrogen, found in the form of nitrate (NO₃ˉ), is taken up through plant roots from the surrounding soil. Thus, we thought it would be interesting to explore the relationships between soil nitrate concentrations and… Continue reading 275 Samples and 276 Mosquito Bites

Data analysis

Flow variation within the Grand River Watershed: An explanatory exercise

-- by Aidan Doak Hydrologists and environmental scientists often look at river flow through time and focus their attention to the minimum, maximum and average values. These values are used to answer questions regarding dry and wet periods, which can lead to hydrological droughts or floods. Less often do we look at the variation of… Continue reading Flow variation within the Grand River Watershed: An explanatory exercise