Our research projects do not exclusively focus on river water but also on exchanges of water and pollutants between the atmosphere, plants, soils and the aquatic environment. GIS and remote sensing techniques are routinely applied to develop indicators of water transport mechanisms and environmental contamination. Mathematical models are also tested to improve hydrological and ecohydrological predictions.

EcohydrosEDIdiagram - Smaller - cropped

Our group has historically thrived – and will continue to thrive – in a safe, inclusive, and collaborative environment. We therefore practice equity, diversity and inclusion values by welcoming new members regardless of their race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or disability status. Our recruitment and training philosophy is focused solely on talent development, regardless of who holds that talent.

We welcome inquiries from potential undergraduate and graduate students from various disciplines, especially students with backgrounds in Earth Science, Physical Geography, Environmental Science, Geomatics, Soil Science, Biology, Engineering or Computer Science. Willingness to combine field work, laboratory and computer analysis is required. Previous experience with hydrology, biogeochemistry or modelling is definitely an asset; however appropriate training is routinely provided to promising and highly motivated individuals who join the group.  Interested students and postdocs are encouraged to consult the “News” page for active  recruitment news. Open-ended inquiries can also be directed to Genevieve Ali (